Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hidden Rituals Right in Front of My Face

Ritual - the word makes me think of smoldering sacrifices, incense, and bells... people on mystic islands doing things with dead birds and their entrails. But what about here and now? What do we all do that we don't even realize that we do every day? Quick, pretend you are brushing your teeth; do you always start in the same place? always proceed in the same direction? Most of us do. What ELSE do you do that might look like automatic pilot but is secretly one of your day-to-day rituals?
What do you "always" do when you:
  • get into your car
  • leave your home, apartment, or room
  • go on a date or out to be with friends
  • clean up your space
  • take a shower

Where does "luck" and "superstition" come into it? Why do we do these things? Would we be weirded out if one day we did them differently? Do we sometimes even go back and redo them "correctly"? It all makes me wonder how many of these little "rituals" we would notice if we really looked.

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