Friday, January 30, 2009

Facebook Community?

As much as i hate to say it, I definitely believe facebook is a contact zone along with other virtual websites that allow people to connect and communicate to either ones they know and love or anyone else out there in the world. I hate to admit this because although, i do think we've come a long was since communicating through telegrams or through the mail, internet communication has become an obsession. However, facebook and other online communities count as contact zones because as Pratt states they are a place for people to come together in order to communicate, express feelings or idea's that they all share, and sometimes even to disagree. Pratt lists some literate arts of the contact zone as being "Autoethnography, transculturation, critique, collaboration, bilingualism, mediation, parody, denunciation, imaginary dialogue, and vernacular expression." And some of the perils of the contact zone: " Miscomprehension, incomprehension, dead letters, unread masterpieces, and absolute heterogeneity of meaning." All of which could be related to the facebook community, and in it's being a (broad) contact zone for people all over the world.

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