Sunday, January 18, 2009

King's Point?

Martin Luther King Jr., a man who for his time, and even today has made a significant impact on the lives of many people. These people belong to many different social and economic classes. He touched the lives of many and one of his profound readings come from his stint in the Birmingham Jail where he wrote a letter asking for the support he felt he hadn't been receiving from his brethren. His point of his letter is that non-violent protests were the last way of handling the situation that had taken place within Birmingham, Alabama and that he feels that he should have backing by all members of the Clergy to overcome and rise above the issues at hand.
On a completely different note, I feel that we are relating King to that of President elect Barrack Obama, and as his inauguration draws closer it seems that it is being hyped. I don't mean for this to cause any controversy, I would just like to know how my fellow classmates feel about this issue, because it is something that interests me.

1 comment:

  1. Corey, thank you for inviting the class to respond.
    I concur with your reading of King and your point about the parallel relationship of Obama to King.
    As you say, King "made a significant impact on the lives of many people. These people belong to many different social and economic classes." Obama is able to do this as well, connect with diverse groups. He seems to understand Mary Louise Pratt's point about communities and contact zones--that there is no "single set of rules or norms shared by all participants" in whatever community he happens to interact(198).
