Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Response to Entangling Roots

Because I did an extensive advocacy project last year on this very subject <>, I know exactly what Jeff here is talking about and why. Overall, I believe this essay of his was well done, pointing out every fact and counter-argument students need to know about this topic. And do they need to know? Yes. Technology is making its way into all sorts of communities, and games are now being targeted at every sort of audience. Young and old alike are getting their hands on every kind of system which even astonishes me. I see my 3-year-old cousin already working his way into the gaming culture and my aunts and uncles playing Wii Fit. Gaming and technology in general is rapidly taking over the world where we are relying on it more and more to sustain our needs.

I am not against video games. I love them and play them all the time- but I certainly know what they can do to people. Jeff Lessard knows this too.

1 comment:

  1. Ryan, I really like the video, the music in particular. Thank you!
    However, the argument in the video assumes that one can control an addiction by simply "limiting" consumption.

    Addiction is more complicated, don't you think?
