Monday, January 19, 2009

MLK letter

Martin Luther King is a man who has affected every one of our lives, both in the past and now in the future. In the letters written to the clergy men, he is talking about how the clergy men think that the protests are ridiculous and not something that is completley random. They are there to inform people of their knowledge about racism. He refers to these protests as a "nonviolent" action that no one should be worried about I feel that King's letter is a huge part of why we are how we are in the world today, and if he had not voiced his opinion, i am sure that this world would still be racist if he had not done anything.


  1. In, "Letter from Birmingham Jail," by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. he is trying to convey his peaceful and reasonable approach to the controversy surronding the Birmingham riots. King's point throughout this letter is that these riots are causing no harm, they are only helping the African American community in protecting their rights, liberties and lives. The letter is directed to the clergymen of Alabama in showing them that, "Injustive anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Without MLK's insight on these issues, we may have never reached a mutual understnading of others in our society today.

  2. Thanks! You've noted how you read: what King "does"(his purpose)and what he "says" (his main point). Then you note his audience and the significance of the letter. Excellent.
