Friday, January 16, 2009

In response to "Entangling Roots"

It's a sad reality that video games have pretty much taken over the social aspect of life for gamers. In "Entangling Roots" the author explains that role playing games are substitutes to personal contact. Gamer's may not be the most popular or well liked in school or even have confidence in themselves to make friends, so they turn to these RPG's where they can be idolized by other gamers online (if they are good enough). The more interation with games, the further they withdraw themselves from reality. I believe these RPG's, along with other games, have had a huge impact on society in mostly a negative way. The ability to withdraw from raelity and abolish the need for persoanl contact and relationships have hurt the so called gamers. Overall, I hope that these video games are only a phase of our generation and don't turn out to be damaging to society.

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